Monday, May 23, 2011

Rick & Jaz VLOG # 2 Epic Farm Walk

We have spent the last 10 days at my family farm on the East Coast, living it up large with no alarm clocks, mums cooking and hardly one days work in the whole time.  It was great to catch up with family and just relax.

My mum and dad, and two brothers and thier familys live on 2345 Acres of rugged hill country. The house are about 30mins apart thru farm land and bush.  One of the days we decided to do a training walk with our packs on our backs.

Enjoy the show,

Monday, May 9, 2011

Rick & Jaz VLOG # 1

Hey guys, the first of many videos that we will add as we can as we travel around the world.
This week its packing.. time to freak out and cut your life down to 20kg weight limit!!

Cioa Cioa

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Marriage with Luggage

When Rick and I got married, we should have changed our last name to Procrastinator.
We're 2 weeks out from moving out of our 3 bedroom flat in Auckland. It looks the same as it did a few weeks after we moved in. In other words... we've hardly packed/ sold a thing.

Auckland is in desperate need of housing, Martin (our landlord) had 800 views on TradeMe within about 24 hours! We were lucky enough that the landlord trusted us, as we led the prospective tenants through our house for viewings. Our pick of the bunch was Alison, she took particular interest in our furniture. After meeting with her, I sent a rather biased email to Martin stating she was our favourite because she wanted our goods!

That was as of an hour ago. I just had a meeting with the new tenant... and she stuck to her word and we sold her a package deal for one thousand clams (metaphorical clams):
    • Fridge/ Freezer
    • Single Bed
    • Dining Room Table
    • Microwave (sorry work, we couldn't justify storing it!)
    • Sewing Table
    • Vacuum Cleaner
    • Home Phone
    • Office Chair
    • Ironing Board
    • 2x couches (they are pretty mud couches)
    • Bed side shelves
    • Wok
    • Pots and Pans
    I am undecided on who got the better deal here, but that's a whole lot less hassle and time spent selling it.. so I'm pretty happy!

    Also... we sent away our Working Holiday Visa applications for the Netherlands on Tuesday... I was very hesitant in surrendering our precious shiny Passports! Hopefully it wont take too long to get our visa pages de-virginised!

    Anyway, back to the TradeMe listings...
    xx Jaz