Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Isaac Challenge

Today I embark on another 'Isaac Challenge'...

Isaac Bent was my youth leader when I was 12-13. Me and one other guy and Isaac would go and have 'sunday school' which usually included some extreme challenge on the playground at Vardon Rd School in Hamilton and then would be followed by sitting on the steps talking about girls, and jesus and the bible and Issac trying to help us be awesome.

He once gave me a challenge.. he said
"read your bible for two weeks and let me know how it goes, let me know if anything bad happens during that time".

I have done this a couple of times before and so today I start again. At a time in my life where I am in a new city, and asking myself and God some big questions, I know I really need to be reading the Bible and praying.

So this is now public so I can't not do it. For the next two weeks I am gonna try my hardest to have a 'quiet time' with God. Time set aside to focus on God, to read the bible and to talk to God about whats going on, to journal. If possible before anything else in my day.

I'll try and blog about it and let you know my thoughts and developments. It's gonna be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds really interesting.
I like that if you make something public it makes you do it. I am the opposite.