At work on friday morning I hear from my work mate that Bishop Brian Tamaki of Destiny church is rumoured to be getting a salary of 1.1 million dollars. I have done some research this morning and found the following article..
"Cash for preaching lifts Tamaki's pay to $1m"
How much is one man of God worth? I wonder, I really wonder just how much should one brain, one mouth, one man be worth.
Obviously in our modern age many public servants are earning a million plus a year, so why is there a problem with a church Pastor earning the same.
I personally have little problem with public servants such as politions and large corporate CEO's earning a million plus a year, as they live to a different standard. The real problem for me is when you say you are a Christian, you say you believe in the God of the Bible, you say you worship Jesus Christ and yet take home a million plus a year.
Why would this be a problem? Shouldn't someone committed and working for such a great cause be able to be rewarded for their efforts?
Recently coming out of Christian minstry I know how hard you work and how much effort goes into the running of a small ministry, let alone a church the size of Destiny. But at what stage does reward drift into excess and really how much is one person worth?
What are your thoughts?
Isn't there something wrong when young children are leaving there delapidated homes with empty stomachs to attend school while Men of "God" are living in millon dollar mansions and playing on half million dollar boats.
As Christian are we not called to help the needy.. to clothe the naked.. the feed the hungry?
1 comment:
Just a thought. And I'm not defending. Just, thinking.
Would a man of God tell others when he is donating to a worthy cause?
For instance, lets say that Tamaki is donating 10% of his salary to charity, 2% to 5 different charities lets say.
Now, how would he be viewed. No, How would any minister or politician be viewed if they were to harp on about how they donate 10% of their salary?
I think there would a split down the middle of the population, the whole coin scenario.
Heads: He's amazing for donating, not enough people do that
Tails: He should be donating more, everyone donates in there life. He earns more, ergo, he should donate more.
On the fence: He's doing it for publicity.
So lets say he is donating, I wouldn't tell anyone, I'd just do it. People would complain that I am looking too much like I reap the benefits, but Oxfam, who signed the agreement to keep it quiet or don't know at all, are receiving $2000 a year from a minister, just cause he can.
What I'm saying is, what if he is clothing the naked, and feeding the hungry?
I boast about somethings, but donations isn't one of them. Donations are something to do with yourself IMO, and people don't need to know when you do or don't do it. I've heard people give others grief for not donating when they 'should'. I don't think that is the right attitude. I think you should leave peoples right to act accordingly in those kinds of situations to themselves, and certainly not judge them
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