Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rick & Jaz VLOG # 3 Koh Tao Moto Adventure

Thailand has so far indeed been an experience. With the heat and the constant battle to survive in the midst of hundreds of locals trying to sell you "taxi boat" and "bungalow" but said at a high pitch whine.  Everything is cheap like 700ml water is 10Baht(40c) and a large Chang beer 700ml is 70bt, and our best yet.. 35bt for a plate of Pad Thai.

From within the airport you could smell Thailand.. a warm, "organic" smell invades everything.. kinda like Chinese takeaway plus urine, wet dog and sweet and sour rotting fruit. The heat then hits you.. its like a wave when you leave the air conditioning comfort of the airport and step out into the city and every pore starts leaking with sweat. The average temp has been about 30-32 degrees and 90% humidity.
The showers are cold only(which is grand) and the ocean is like tepid bath water.. its nice but definitely could be cooler.. and there is coral and sea cucumbers(Rick has renamed them) everywhere so you gotta watch your step.

Whinging aside it is truly beautiful. Right now we are sitting in a beach side restaurant on Koh Tao, at Sairee Beach, checking emails etc..  The Sand is white and the water is crystal clear, they don't call it paradise island for nothing.. there's loads of fish swimming in the shallows and the people are friendly, specially if you say thanks...(khob-kun-Ka, If you are a woman.khob-kun-Krub, If you are a man.)

Yesterday we hired a motor bike and drove around the island, which was pretty sweet. You don't need a license and the roads are very rugged and that coming from Rick with his hill country farming styles..

Till next time,
Enjoy the video
Rick and Jas


Austin said...

Oh man those sea cucumbers are disgusting. Looks like fun though. Safe traveling :)

simon said...

So amazing!! SO awesome. FOllow this vlog religiously!.

kenrickrhys said...

thanks bro.. vlog is fun...

Andrea said...

Love it :) coooter!!