I took the chance sitting next to him feeding for some extreme closeups..

Chapter 1
Praise The Act of Divine Adoration
"A young woman by the name of Madame Guyon had grown weak in her desire for God. She inlisted the help of a Old Franciscan Monk. After some time he commented to the woman.." Your efforts have be unsuccessfull, becuase you have sought without only what you can find within. Accustom yourself to seek God in your heart, and you will not fail to find him. This was Madame Guyon's introduction to the most vital element of prayer, that of silently waiting in the presence of God. All who would be used of God must learn the secret of silence."
"If we read the biographies of the great and wise, we shall find they were people of long silences and deep ponderings. Whatever the vision, of power, of genius there was in their work, was wrought in silence. And when we turn to the inner circle of the spiritual masters-the men and woman, not necessarily gifted or distinguished, to whom God was a living, bright reality which supernaturalized their everyday life and transmuted their homeliest actions into sublime worship-we find that their roots struck deep into the soil of spiritual silence"Bridgid E. Herman
"We cannot be made a blessing to others without perceiving that virtue has gone out of us, and unless this is constantly renewed with loving communion with Heaven, our service becomes little more than dead works, and out message loses the ring which bespeaks its divine origin."Scriptural insights into the ministry of waiting..Unknown
"Work is not food for the spirit any more than for the body. Amidst a multitude of works the worker's soul my wither, and his activities will prove this in due time"J. Gregory Mantle
"Praise is a life long love affair .."Steven Jamison
..."I wonder God if I really have to do this praise stuff outloud.. I guess the meaning of the word praise is aloud.. I feel a bit silly to be honest..
David wrote his thoughts down.. I feel like they can be more concrete if I write them down.. hmm..."
The most basic question everyone faces in life is Why am I here? What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God and his eternal purposes for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth... Warren enables them to see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.
Using biblical stories and letting the Bible speak for itself, Warren clearly explains God’s five purposes for each of us:
"It is much easier to point out problems than to offer solutions."Steven James